Heritage properties:



The territory of the province of Benevento, whose natural borders coincide almost exactly with the natural boundaries of the mountain chains of Partenio, Matese and the Fortore area reaching more than 1,000 metres above sea level, has wonderful environmental and naturalistic qualities.
The landscape is extremely varied with steeply sloping hills and valleys scored by rivers and small streams. Dotted over the hills and mountains there are shepherds’ huts and enclosures built in dry-stone and blending perfectly with the natural surroundings. There is also a historically important network of paths. High up in the mountains there are interesting grottoes, gullies and cliffs hidden among woods of oak and beech trees. The hills are covered with oak, chestnut, elm, elderberry and hawthorn and there is a rich undergrowth of mushrooms and wild asparagus. The largely uncontaminated natural habitat ishome to a remarkable number of animal species. Peregrine falcons, buzzards, Mediterranean falcons, red kites and
many migratory species can be seen in the mountains.
The reference territory has a very evolved hydrographical system with the rivers Volturno, Calore, Sabato and their relative tributaries, and can be considered a single geographical-political entity comprising various common factors of a cultural and historical-economic nature.

A precious element in the cultural heritage of the Benevento area is the richness of its wine and gastronomic production. The province is particularly famous for its numerous, high-quality DOC wines. The names of the most important wines are Taburno, Aglianico del Taburno, Guardiolo, Solopaca, Sannio, Sant’Agata. Among the other distinctive produce of the area, two varieties of oil (certification in progress), “Sannio Caudino Telesino” and “le Colline Beneventane” are worth noting together with a range of cheeses and cold meats, fruits and vegetables, honey and “taralli” (small dry bagels), and not forgetting the “torrone”, the typical sweet nougat speciality