Heritage properties:

Area Manager » Management Plan

Management Plan

The organic and harmonized management of all the locations in the network is to be considered
a complex process in which the Management Plan represents the Technical Implementation Plan.

The Management Plan for the “Italia Langobardorum network”
was therefore conceived as an instrument to pursue a development model that would unite the requests
for  conservation of the exceptional cultural values of the  Longobard evidence
with their tourist fruition and with the need
for transformation and growth  of the national and local economies.

Management of the site is configured as a dynamic process
to be implemented over time,  with medium and long term deadlines.

The awareness, conservation and valorization of this heritage can constitute additional segments of an economic system able to develop the potentials of the physical proof and knowledge handed down through time with specific and unrepeatable characteristics for each of the Territories covered by the site’s network.

Therefore the Management Plan intends to provide an instrument that, developing the capacities for attraction of the properties proposed for inclusion in the WHL, will be able to strengthen the sustainable development policies already underway, through an increased integration of the valorization activities for the heritage resources, whether material or immaterial, with the other endogenous resources in the Territories (crafts, popular traditions, wine, food and handcraft products, etc).

The opportunity of the UNESCO candidature represented also a stimulus to enrich the proceedings already underway, through involving other public and private subjects with competencies and interests in the reference areas of the properties, in order to perfect and extend the safeguarding and conservation policies of said properties, of the landscape as well as the additional cultural and natural heritage in the areas involved.



In light of the analyses conducted, as well as of the expectations and needs of the resident populations, development of the Management Plan followed these general guidelines aimed to:

  • formulating network projects that, based on the historical shared matrix of the various locations involved in the candidature and on the other common potentials, were able to raise the level of awareness, valorization and promotion of the heritage passed on by the Longobards, at the same time promoting common sustainable development procedures;
  • strengthening activities pertaining to knowledge, conservation and upgrading, promotion and awareness of the individual locations in the network through the integration of the programs already underway, in order to reach higher and more homogenous standards of valorization and fruition of the territorial resources and at the same time increasing the benefits for resident populations;
  • at guaranteeing participation of local communities in the development process, sustained by the strengthening of the quantity and quality of the social identities that said communities express.


These are the general objectives which, starting with the principal goal of preserving and raising the values of the site and of the reference territories, aim to:

  • exploit the potential contained in the Network system that was created to provide more efficacy and effectiveness for the actions programmed;
  • rationalize and re-organize the endogenous resource valorization procedures (included those already underway in the various reference Territories), in order to augment the offer of services and the capacity for fruition, at the same time reducing management costs;
  • implement new activities for knowledge, conservation, valorization, promotion and awareness, preferring the realization of integrated action programs;
  • strengthen the connection between the cultural industry and other production sectors present in the Territories, ensuring:
  • to promote the economic development that will not constitute a risk for the heritage and for the quality of life of the resident populations;
  • to produce an integrated development process also fall upon the local populations;
  • to adopte an homogenous upgrading system for the environment and the knowledge of the individual Territories (mosaic landscape culture) and for the re-launching of the identities and of the distinguishing characteristics of each location in the site (bio-cultural fingerprint)


The management of the Site whose nomination is submitted for inscription on the World Heritage List is an ongoing process. The rationale at the basis of the Management Plan is the need to improve the link between the Longobard heritage and pertinent Territories and to increase awareness of resident population concerning its cultural identity.

Finally, the aim of the Plan is also to favor conditions for economic growth that are respectful of the cultural value of those Territories. The following are the pre-requisites to achieve these objectives:

  • A strong involvement of numerous interested public and private bodies;
  • An optimal level of integration and coordination among these bodies.

STARTING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE “Italia Langobardorum Network

The Management Plan December 2007 was collectively drawn up and approved - through a relevant institutional agreement signed, on 9th January 2008 in Rome, by all the institutions and stakeholders of the sites mentioned in the network, which referred to the Plan, each for its reference area - as a complex tool for short, medium and long term planning.

The Management Plan became effective in January 2008.
The State of the Art (December 2009) contains a further paper referring to the progress within the Management Plan.

The Management Plan 2007 includes the implementation of 463 actions.
The achievements obtained in the two year implementation period in terms of network and single sites are shown in table B, which contains the new projects added during the implementation to the Management Plan 2007, as the latter is a dynamic tool.

The stakeholders’ awareness of the relevant results achieved through the continuous implementation of planned actions is increasing thanks to the specific new shape and attractiveness of the “network” that involves other – National and European – areas as well as other institutional or private bodies with the same Longobard historical origins and interested in the cultural and social economic development goals contained in the Management Plan.

The awareness of a common Longobard dimension of present-day European Cultures and participation of everybody in development are thus extraordinary characteristics enriching the original and innovative Management Plan of the nomination.

With regard to the methodology applied for the compilation of the Management Plan, reference was made to that organized by the Office of the UNESCO World Heritage List in the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities that coordinates the activities connected to the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage: http://www.unesco.beniculturali.it .
From a practical point of view, the Management Plan was drawn up together with experts internal and external to the “system” of the stakeholders, with the technical-scientific coordination of MiBAC.
As to the organization and the socio-economic development, the activity was coordinated by an external expert indicated by the Municipality of Cividale del Friuli, the first proposer of the nomination.



The current Management Plan was worked out in 2007 within the request for recognition of the site called “Italia Langobardorum – Places of Power and Worship (568-774 A.D.)” as a world heritage site by UNESCO and is still valid for the site named The Longobards in Italy. The Places of Power (568-774 A.D.)” because it comprises the same properties as those previously selected [the small differences in the current configuration of the Site - which meets the ICOMOS recommendations and refers to the extension of the core zone of Brescia and buffer zones of Spoleto and Campello as well as to the exclusion of the modern building to the north-east of Santa Sofia in Benevento - have no influence on the previous Management Plan objectives that concerned the same reference areas].

The Management Plan reflects the former name of the serial site, “Italia Langobardorum”, which has been and currently is the umbrella brand of the network, used for all the activities concerning the promotion, cultural development and social economic relaunch of the nominated properties and their reference area.