Heritage properties:

Area Manager » Knowledge Plan

Knowledge Plan

The aims of the plan are to create better coordination of research and study activities into aspects of Longobard heritage and culture that characterise the various places in the network, as well as the other Longobard contexts in Italy (Extended Network) and Europe (European Geocultural Corridor), partly thanks to the involvement of the leading cultural institutions working in this sector (CISAM Italian Centre for Studies of the Early Middle Ages, and the Centre of Micealican and Garganic Studies).

This can be achieved by:

  • Constant distribution of the results of studies and research carried out;
  • Exchanging data obtained from various experiences;
  • Creating coordinated programmes for increasing knowledge about general aspects of Longobard culture or on specific topics that unite the various locations;
  • Creating common databases.

Main objectives for the network activity are:

  1. Extending knowledge and cultural ties between locations of the serial site 
  2. Coordinating activities for documenting serial site
  3. Extending knowledge about architecture and artistic production in the Longobard era
  4. Extending knowledge about Longobard culture in relation to the extent of the network to other Italian sites with particular evidence of the Longobard era
  5. Extending knowledge about Longobard culture in relation to the geo-cultural corridor of migration from Northern Europe to Italy

Main objectives for the single locations of the network are:


In addition to its rich heritage already discovered, the potential still present in Cividale and on the whole Territory of the Duchy of Friuli – revealed also by most recent research – leads to plan a series of projects aiming at the enhancement and improvement of knowledge on the Longobard period.
The first objective concerns the collection and the systematization of already known data (and data to be acquired), by using a system of implementable databases connected to GIS, which enables the rapid management of archives and easy consultation.
As for the properties in the site applying for the site and the buffer zone, actions aim at:

  • Enhancing knowledge on the Longobard Tempietto, especially in relation to the techniques used for decorations and plaster sculpture;
  • Better define development phases of the Gastaldaga and the Monastery;
  • Enhancing knowledge on the Episcolal complex, with special reference to the origin and shape of the Basilica and the Baptistery;
  • Acquiring further information on the Early Middle Ages urban layout.

As for the territory of the Duchy of Friuli, along with the systematization of already known data, the strengthening of research aimed at the identification of the Longobard settlement layout – concerning both necropolis and military buildings – is envisaged.
Moreover, further research will be conducted on Longobard artistic production and evergetism by élites, which will help find parallels with the ongoing studies on places of worship and monasteries, in particular the Abbey of Sesto al Reghena.



The results of numerous studies specially conducted over the years on the San Salvatore-Santa Giulia complex are today an important point of reference for knowledge of Early middle ages construction and decorations, particularly with regard to stuccoes, frescoes and sculpture.
The main objective is to spread understanding of the studies on the complex, and then look further into specific aspects, such as those related to Longobard skilled and craft production, organising and arranging the numerous existing data.

In order to raise knowledge with regard to the phases prior to the Early middle ages, the proposal is to investigate, study and valorise the other Roman domus in the area.

The archaeological surveys envisaged in the Monumental area will contribute to enrich the knowledge both on ancient buildings and on the early medieval sequences, bringing important contributions to the reconstruction of the passage phases from the late ancient period to the Middle Ages in a neuralgic area of the town and in direct relation with the royal power expressed by the monastery.

In terms of the Territory, the numerous recent discoveries of Longobard settlements and necropolises demand coordination of the research projects started and to be started, in order to guarantee a proper and unequivocal methodological approach, the possibility of comparing data and joint promotion of the research.
Thanks to the stakeholders distributed around the Territory it is also possible to experiment an interdisciplinary study approach, capable of guaranteeing specific analyses and innovative research projects.



There are many elements of knowledge that concern Castelseprio-Torba and the district of Giudicaria of Seprio. In order to obtain a view of the whole, able to reconstruct the life of the castle, the places of cult, the monastery and the whole Territory in the Longobard era, the following is foreseen:

  • Activation of collecting and memorising all data emerging from research carried out up to now by means of the complete cataloguing of the structures and remains of the material culture, organised in a GIS based databank which permits easy consultation and constant implementation of topical archives.
  • Start-up of diagnostic and indepth surveys on the main monuments and their decorative apparatus and on some findings;
  • Start-up of an extensive research programme on the Territory;


The present state of knowledge on the town of Spoleto in Longobard times leads to plan a series of projects for the accomplishment of some main objectives, related to the basilica of San Salvatore and to its territory of reference.
For what concerns the site:

  • Re-organize and systemize all information already known on San Salvatore: bibliographic, documentary and graphic resources, to let converge into the future Documentation Centre of the Basilica
  • Increase the presently available data through new investigations and excavations .

For what concerns the Territory:

  • Re-organize and systemize all information already known, to update the existing phase maps and plan investigation and study widening.
  • Continue the urban excavation campaign, to increase existing data and identify the necropolis areas.
  • Boost and increase the archaeological researches in the Territory.


Despite the rich panorama that has already emerged, the potential of the testimonies that still exist within the Territory has led to the planning of a series of project aimed at investigating and improving understanding of the Longobard period.

The first objective concerns the collection and computerization of known data (and data that will be acquired), using and database system, which allows rapid management of archives and easy consultation.

In terms of the property entered on the site for which inscription is requested and the buffer zone actions will target:

  • investigating the Clitunno Tempietto, particularly with regard to the execution techniques of decorations and stucco sculptures;
  • acquiring information on the Early middle ages urban layout and consequent identification of Longobard settlement design;
  • carrying out research and studies to gain further understanding of the Longobard artistic production within the Territory.


Organisation and uniformity of information and knowledge on local heritage is the first objective to pursue. It represents the necessary basis to develop a project for enhancing and promoting the town and its territory.
On other hand, involving local stakeholders provides a very important opportunity to take shared decisions on local sustainable development.
The quest for knowledge will pursue these main objectives:

  • Increasing knowledge about the Santa Sofia complex.
  • Increasing knowledge about archaeology and local heritage in general.
  • Increasing knowledge about the Territory.

These objectives will be pursued by means of actions taken at three different territorial levels: site, buffer zone, and territory. In addition, there will be network action. The expected result of these actions is the creation of a unique management system for knowledge and information about local cultural heritage and that this local system will be part of the general “Territorial Information System” relating to the “Italia Langobardorum” site.
A virtual library will be included in the system to create a national fund of knowledge on Longobard culture and heritage.



Despite the rich panorama that has already emerged, the potential of the testimonials still existent in Monte Sant’Angelo and the entire Territory, demonstrated by the more recent research, induce to plan a set of projects which lead to the improvement of knowledge of the Longobard period, finalised above all at creating a wider awareness of the cultural heritage and contribute to its preservation and use.
Priority is given to the careful gathering and memorisation of data already known and that to be acquired in relation to a databank system connected to a GIS which allows rapid management and implementation of archives and easy consultation.
The promotion of new cognitive activities will be articulated mainly:

  • On the Longobard Sanctuary where in-depth examinations are possible (thanks to new surveys and wall stratigraphic analysis) on the development of the structural phases and the aspects of internal decoration, particularly the epigraphs;
  • Explanations on the evolution of the most ancient building phases are foreseen with the realisation of new archaeological surveys and analysis of the wall structures in the area to the north of the sanctuary.

In the buffer zone, the examination of knowledge on the walls will have particular attention, this can be increased by constant control of building in relation to the planning and running of previous urban archaeology.

In the Territory of Monte Sant’Angelo, apart from the memorisation of known data, the optimisation of research aimed at the identification of Longobard settlement networks is foreseen, through examination of the analysis of the testimonials of the Longobard era in the other urban centres of the region and the planning and realisation of new research in field.